What is cool?

I wish that I could be like the cool kids

Cool is confident. That self-assurededness stemming from knowing one’s Wholeness

Cool is nonchalant. That indifference towards convincing others of one’s coolness

Cool is content. That sense of calm arising from acceptance. Accepting oneself. Accepting others. Accepting the moment

Cool is authentic. That realness accompanying speaking truth & choosing to live it

Cool is smooth. That flow that follows leaning in to one’s True Self

Cool is inviting. That welcoming aura magnetizing the circle

Cool is giving. That natural instinct of sharing a piece of one’s soul. One’s gift, one’s craft, one’s act of creation. Coolness comes from giving what we have to give to the Whole

To try to be cool is to miss the point

To try to be cool is to put on a face

To be cool, there’s only one solution:

You can only be cool by being authentically you

Who comes to mind when you ponder “Who’s cool?”

What do these cool kids have in common?

And now comes the ultimate question…

Who’s the cool version of you?


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