Define: Alignment

Defining beliefs then living in accordance

I use the word “Alignment” often. So, I figured it might be useful to wrap a definition around it.

In one line, I define Alignment as:

Defining your beliefs, then living in accordance with them

Beliefs could be deep, like:

Beliefs could also be surface-level, like:

Defining the beliefs is the responsibility of the beholder. However, no matter what the beliefs are, operating in Alignment requires actually living in accordance with 'em.

Don’t get me wrong — it’s a real challenge to selfishly & honestly define one’s belief set. Society, family, friends, pretty much everybody will incentivize conformity.

However, inspired by Arthur Brooks’s commentary on The Tim Ferriss Show (and supported by personal experience), I’ve realized that for as long as I avoid this intentional act of honest discernment and for as long as I refuse to live in accordance, then I’ll exist in a miserable state of Misalignment. I’ll continue denying myself happiness (however I choose to define it).

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

It’s important to go to church on Sunday


or to participate.