Give it all away

An opportunity to practice unattachment

Before I begin, I want to make it clear that this is very much an aspirational value. I have yet to arrive at achieving this one. I’m well aware that this will be a lifelong endeavor.

From Bird by Bird:

Give it all away. When you do, there will be plenty more.

Anne Lamott

Giving it all away is a cure for my tendency to hoard, to stockpile, to endlessly save.


I have a tendency to overeat

Stemming from a fear that if I don’t take extra today, then by the time tomorrow comes, I won’t have eaten enough

Ensuring I eat or buying extra food before flights

Taking a double portion at a group meal (for fear that there won’t be any left when I want to get seconds)

But there’s nothing to fear…

I always have a stash of snacks

There’s always food at home

And I have never - in my entire life - died of hunger

Give my food away. In doing so, I will always have enough. I have more than enough. Trust that I have more than what I “need.” This is partly why I practice fasting - to dispel the belief that I need X amount of food each day, each meal, each week. Breaking this belief enables me to give more freely when given the opportunity.


I have a tendency to try to optimize my time

Give my time away

In doing so, it will focus me on the most critical things. The things that are truly a priority.

As I sit here now, reflecting on my days in the NYC office, I see that the most important work always got done. I gave my time away to those around me when they requested it and when I was inspired to do so. And in doing that, I look back at my experience positively. I know that I made an impact. And all of the work that needed to be done got done.


Giving it away blesses me with the perspective that I have enough already. When I’m endlessly saving, then I’m implicitly telling myself that I don’t have enough yet. I’m still below the imaginary threshold that I must hit before I start giving. This is just a perception! Give it away to practice breaking the illusion.

I can give it all away

My best stuff

Not just the stuff that I don’t want

(I know the difference and others do too)

Not just the stuff that’s not really mine to give

The best stuff

One of my best friends would always say to me, tongue-in-cheek: “He just gives and gives and gives.”

This was a dig that stuck with me because it was true. He was calling me out on the fact that I was giving away something that I didn't want in the first place. It wasn't authentic giving. I was just getting rid of the stuff I didn't want anymore. I wanted to be a Giver but couldn’t bring myself to give away my best stuff.

I can give my best stuff away. It will show me that I have enough. And it will be a sign to the Collective that I can be trusted with more.

We root for the Givers because we know that when they get more, the Collective will ultimately benefit. We know that giving to them means that they’ll contribute it back to the rest of us.

And not just the scraps. They’ll give back the good stuff, the best stuff.

Give it away to practice unattachment myself.

Experience the truth in the cliche:

“There will be plenty more where that came from.”

I can give my best stuff away because more is not always more anyway.

To hoard is to create separation between myself and another, between myself and the Collective.


Buying coffees with loved ones. Sometimes I'll take extra sips from the person who's done with theirs. But, unless I actually need it, it's not a benefit for me to be over-caffeinated. And yet, I have a tendency to over-consume caffeine. I’m stockpiling the substance in myself. Not trusting that I've already received the proper dosage.

Giving Gifts

Giving the really good gifts, the ones that might hurt the checkbook, but will actually make a real difference in the life of the recipient. Gifts to hosts. Gifts to my family. When I do this, I’ve seen that the recipient starts rooting for my success. Because they know that my success is their success. They know that when I win, then they'll benefit too.

They adopt the belief:

“It’s not zero-sum with you. Money given to you is not sucked away, extracted from the Universe, never to be seen again. It’s recirculated, given back, in new forms. It’s transformed in a positive way, with your creative influence acted upon it.”


Trusting the Source to give me what I need

“Do you have what you need?”

Trusting that the answer is always "Yes!"

That spark of inspiration

That previously-unseen connection that I’ve been waiting for

Gifted to me by my Muse when I’m ready for it

Trusting that I’ll be given what I need when I’m ready for it

Trusting that there will always be more

Trusting that I will always have enough

If only I gain the courage to give away my best stuff


When I do give it all away, can I do so without expecting any praise?

Practice unattachment. See that I have no "needs."

If another takes something from me, then I’m happy they have it. They probably needed it more than I did anyways. To view it any other way would be to close off my circle before it reaches them.

To give it away freely is to vote in the affirmative that they are a part of the Collective right along with me. They are included in my Collective, so I want to give to them.

And I want to practice unattachment, so what a great opportunity here...

What a great opportunity I’ve been given by the Universe.


or to participate.