Inspiration vs Obligation

2 fishbowls for deciding what to do

This has been a core principle of mine for the past few years. When I'm at the dot of decision, I ask myself the question:

Am I doing this from a place of inspiration or obligation?

If it’s inspiration, then it’s a GO.

If it’s obligation, then it’s a NO.

That’s how I’ve resolved to live my life. It’s that simple.

(But, of course, just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy. I still succumb to doing things out of obligation all the time. And there’s a whole lotta nuance baby!)

Inspiration feels like a Whole Body “YES!” that bubbles up from my soul

The explanation for “Why?”

“Because I want to”

“Because I feel called to”

Obligation feels like servicing an expectation that originated outside myself

The explanation for “Why?”

“Because I have to”

“Because I should”

“Because I’m supposed to”

I aspire to live a fulfilled life by filling up my Fishbowl of Authenticity.

Fishbowl of Authenticity

Fishbowl of Dishonesty


or to participate.