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- Inspired Commitment
Inspired Commitment
Responsibilities that I “get to” do
Whenever I share the Inspiration vs Obligation principle, people love to pushback:
That’s great & all, but Obligations are an inherent part of everyday life.
Performing the duties of a job
Showing up for a spouse
Caring for kids
Doing anything of consequence (which often requires habitual dedication)
So, I concede the point. I'm well aware that the actions I take won't be sunshine & rainbows everyday. They involve a whole lotta tasks that I wouldn't describe as immediately enjoyable.
So, I'm often asked:
If you're only following Inspiration, then what happens when you need to do something you don't want to? Do you just neglect your responsibilities if you don't feel “inspired” to do them that day?
Nope! That’s where “Inspired Commitment” comes in. Living an inspired life requires that I commit to things from a place of Inspiration, rather than Obligation.
For high-stakes, difficult-to-reverse decisions, it’s all-the-more-important to Be True Selfish and discerning at the dot of decision. Because, those decisions will be followed by long periods of execution that include require a whole host of Obligations.
If I'm accepting a new job, am I doing it because I feel called to? Or because my parents want me to?
If I'm entering into a marriage, am I doing it because it feels like the right thing for me? Or because it's what my spouse expects of me?
If I'm moving cities, am I aligned with the change? Or am I afraid that staying put will piss off my boss or family?
To answer these questions, I have to be able to hear the voice of my True Self. Then, I have to listen with absolute honesty.
And absolute honesty is absolutely critical, because, after all, I’m the one who will have to:
Show up to work on Monday morning
Show up for my spouse in sickness & in health
Show up to the new house & make it a home
I’m always down to do these things if I’m the one who decided to.
Even for lower-stakes decisions, like committing to attend a friend's Christmas party, I aspire to wield my word honestly.
So, I'll wait to commit until:
I feel inspired to do so
The host informs me that an RSVP in this moment is absolutely necessary
If I'm still undecided at the dot of decision or if it doesn't yet feel like a "Whole Body YES", then I'll RSVP "No". Because I don't want to service a schedule that's covered in pre-com.
I've realized that when I make these commitments from a place of Inspiration, then the follow-up Obligations might not be enjoyable, but they are worth it. Because I believe they’ll drive Future Enjoyment.
And I have the fuel to service these commitments because I’m operating in alignment.

“I have to…”

“I get to…”