The Newsroom (Episode 1)

Media is my new arena

I wrote the piece below on May 11, 2024. I completely forgot that this piece existed until I stumbled on it buried in my Notes app last week while searching for something else.

Upon re-reading, I realized that this was the moment that the seeds were planted; the seeds that eventually grew into the Love News Network and the “I Love Love” movement (even though I had no clue what either would look like way back then).

To set the scene, I was still working in investing at the time. It was 2 days after I met with Dave and picked up The Artist’s Way. I was watching —for probably the 7th time— the 1st episode of the 1st season of The Newsroom. This episode inspired me to copy down some of its dialogue and write my reaction to it (a favorite pastime of mine after consuming inspiring media, participating in an inspiring conversation, or observing an inspiring event).

In my humble (& entirely individual & completely uninformed) opinion, this is one of the best episodes of TV in one of the best seasons of TV of all-time.

Maybe it speaks to my romantic, patriotic idealism.

Maybe it speaks to the aspirational leader in me.

Maybe it’s just good TV.

Created by Aaron Sorkin and premiering in 2012, the series follows a fictional cable news organization led by Will McAvoy (egotistical & jaded, yet principled anchor), Mackenzie McHale (slightly spastic, but extremely competent executive producer), and Charlie Skinner (hard-nosed, but idealistic & supportive president of the network). The Bobby Axelrod name-drop at the end is from a different show, Billions, which is another one of my favorites. For reference, Bobby is an excessively rich, ambitious, & ruthless hedge fund manager.

For readability, the dialogue from The Newsroom is copied in the yellow boxes. The notes I wrote to myself follow the “TB”. I’m sharing the personal commentary in its original form - raw & unedited - so you can catch a glimpse of what motivated me back in mid-May.

One of the benefits of consistent journaling is that I get to review what was going through my head flowing through my heart during consequential periods in my life. When it's written on the page, there's no space for revisionist history. After all…

The faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory

Chinese proverb

With that, here's the original...

[Will sitting on a political panel]

Question from audience member: Can you say, in 1 sentence, why America is the greatest country in the world?

Mac signaling to Will: It’s not… but it can be.

[Will proceeds to go on a long monologue and mini tirade that remains extremely relevant in today’s political climate.]

[Clip of scene:]


Acknowledgement of the problem is step 1

The current world is not ruled by love… but it can be

Today, society is ruled by fear & insecurity

I accept that

But it doesn’t have to stay that way

We can create a world that’s ruled by love

It’s going to take work and practice and risk and mistakes

But keep my why in the sights, then I’ll withstand any quake:

To create a world ruled by love

To (re)create the Love Plane here on Earth

It’s not a solo journey. We’re in this together. But the first step is honesty, so I’m starting that today.

Honesty + curiosity

I don’t have to have unbreakable conviction or steadfast decrees

I can just listen to what’s honest, what’s utterly honest, for a young bloke like me

Then I’ll meet the world and others with unbounded curiosity

I’ll see through the surface-level and dive down to what matters

But I won’t forget the driving force

It’s love right behind me

Mac: I know people choose the news they want now.

Will: People choose the facts they want now! So what you just described is impossible.

Mac: Only if you think an overwhelming majority of Americans are preternaturally stupid.

Will: I do.

Mac: I don’t! And if you let me I can prove it. You know what you left out of your sermon? That America is the only country on the planet that since its birth has said over & over & over that we can do better. It’s part of our DNA. People will want the news if you give it to them with integrity. Not everybody. Not even a lot of people. 5%. And 5% more of anything is what makes the difference in this country. So we can do better.

Will: What does winning look like to you?

Mac: …Speaking truth to stupid. No demographic sweet spot. A place where we all come, together. We’re coming to a tipping point. I know you know that. There’s going to be a huge conversation. Is government an instrument for good? Or is it every man for himself? Is there something bigger we want to reach for? Or is self-interest our basic resting pulse? You and I have a chance to be among the few people who can frame that debate.


What does winning look like to me?

Speaking truth to fear. No narrowing of attention. Gifting this news to everyone. No exclusion. All are welcome.

We’re coming to this tipping point. Is the collective an instrument for good? Or is it every man for himself?

Do I believe strangers have my back? Or do I believe everyone is a threat?

Is there something bigger we want to reach for together? Or is sticking with self-interest, with our small lil circles all we’re destined for forever?

We have this choice: connection or separation. We’re always leaning one way or the other. We’re pulling towards or pushing away. What side of the magnet are we facing out today?

How do I want to help? What’s the answer for why I’m here?

I want to pull people together

I want to love on others without fear

That starts by leaning into myself, seeing me for who I truly am

No more secrets

No more lies

Just living exposed out in the open

“People will want the news if you give it to them with integrity.”

They’ll adopt the habits and put them into practice.

But it starts with being honest.

Sharing what genuinely works for me.

Sharing what genuinely contributes to being happy.

People are hungry for this.

They want to do better.

They want to live together.

Isolation ain’t it.

Separation isn’t fulfillment.

Everyone is just so damn scared that their neighbor is gonna f*ck them over.

I want to speak truth to that fear.

I want to light that facade on fire.

Self-interest isn’t the end.

Being selfish is just a start

We know we want to give to the whole

We’ve known that from the start

Charlie: I’m too old to be governed by fear of dumb people.


I’m too old to be governed by fear of fearful people

I’m too old to be governed by fear of my fearful Self

What happens when I do is that I end up projecting that mentality outward on to everyone else

I’m done being governed by fear

I’m done letting fear hold me back

I’m powering forward into the future with God at my back

I’m choosing to be driven by love

I’m done being afraid

I’m cutting the shackles that kept me down

I’m spreading my wings to fly

I’m ready to live my life

Charlie: For a long time now, I badly wanted to watch the news on my TV at night. Then it occurred to me, I run a news division.

Will (describing Mac): She’s indifferent to ratings, competition, corporate concerns, and, generally speaking, consequences.

Charlie: Good! Because you just described my job. I’m Don Quixote… Anchors having an opinion isn’t a new phenomenon. Murrow had one, and that was the end of McCarthy. Cronkite had one and that was the end of Vietnam.

Will: I’m not those guys.

Charlie: I’m betting all my money on you’re wrong. You know what kiddo, in the ole days, about 10 minutes ago, we did the news well. You know how? We just decided to.


In the ole days, I used to live well. You know how? I just decided to.

Today is that day. Today I will just decide.

There. That’s it. In all aspects of life. It’s honesty & connection. I just decided to make that my modus operandum.


Because I decided to.


I resonate more with Will MacAvoy’s character than Bobby Axelrod

Both have their personal insecurities that fuel them but Will’s resonates more with me

Finance & investing was my last bit

Media is my new arena


or to participate.