
To find fulfillment

Last week, I met up with one my lifelong mentors, Patrick.

He reminded me of something,

Something he taught me ages ago,

But something I somehow forgot in the in-between:

Fulfillment is found in helping others grow. Remember this truth or you’ll forever be in search of fulfillment on the ball field, in the boardroom, or in the bedroom.

It’s hard to convey in words the feeling I get when I give. It’s a warm & fuzzy feeling. Paired with a sense of existing in abundance.

To share is a natural instinct that we all possess.

And yet, I so consistently decide to block it.

Why? Why do I do this?

Because the rationale for giving seems so counterintuitive.

How could giving stuff away mean that I’ll get more in return?

The math doesn’t check out.

I must be missing something…

“Regis, I’d like to Phone-A-Friend to help solve this equation?”


“Hello, Friend here! Hey Trent, what’s the issue you’re grappling with?”

“Help me out. I’m on Who Wants to Be a Fulliment-aire. The question is this: ‘How does giving it all away mean that I’ll eventually get even more in return?’

“Ahhh I see, you’re stuck in this equation because you’re adopting a fixed perspective. You see, the Universe isn’t operating as a Zero-Sum Game. The Universe itself is forever-expanding. Love is abundant. And sharing love with others & your True Self is the only way to tap into it.

When you give love away, you’re implicitly signaling to yourself: “I have enough already.”

You don’t need all the surface-level stuff, like more time & more money.

So, just remember this truth, and give it away freely.

Contribute to the Collective. And you’ll set yourself free."

“Thanks, brother! I’m grateful for your wisdom.”


“Alright, Regis, I’m going with D) Contribute to the Collective. And give it away freely.

“That’s correct! You’ve done it! You're a Fulliment-aire!!! Now, you get to live in fulfillment forever… as long as you can remember this truth of abundance.”


or to participate.