The Positive Coach

Picking the tone of your Private Voice

What’s your Private Voice saying to you in this moment?

What’s the content?

What’s the tone?

Would you be willing to project what it’s saying on the Jumbotron of a packed stadium?

Would you say this to someone you loved if they were facing your same situation?

Who’s at the mic?

Is it your Judge or your Positive Coach?

I’ve been blessed with an all-star lineup of Positive Coaches in my life

They’ve each helped inform the way that I speak to myself

In high school, it was Patrick

He had a knack for striking that delicate balance between pushing me & encouraging me

Seeing my potential, while recognizing my effort

“You got this!” during the workout was followed up with “Great work!” once the work was done

In college, it was Adam

He saw my desire to be a Giver before I saw it in myself

“I can tell you care about other people. Don’t be afraid to contribute to others along the way, even as you navigate your own journey.”

Throughout my religious life, it was Leo

He helped me explore spirituality in a way that worked for me

“Believe in what works for you. I love you regardless. And the God I believe in does too.”

Throughout my entire life, it was Bill

From birth to Little League to today

I’ve always had the advantage of having this Positive Coach I call “Dad” standing behind me

“Do what makes you happy. Give it your best shot. And don’t forget to have fun with it.”

Definitely a participation trophy

This is only a small sample of the coaches who chose to speak to me positively

But their choice to do so has had an immeasurable impact on me

Because, now, their voices are the voices in my head

As I push through my own set of challenges

I don’t share this to say, “Look at how lucky I am to have all of these Positive Coaches in my life.”

I share this with the intention of showing, “If this isn’t the tone of voice in your head, it might be in your best interest to change ‘em.”

Lord knows these mentors weren’t always perfect in what they said

But I’ve chosen to remember their positive encouragement

Trust me, I’ve experimented with the utility of the negative voice

And the results are in…

“Keep going! You’re doing great!” helps me run faster than “Pick it up, you fat piece of sh*t!”


or to participate.