Trampoline Pitch

Live life elevated

Dear Jon,

Trampolines should be more of a thing. I know it sounds childish, but here’s my elevator pitch…

Life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. Sure, we’ll have moments throughout the day when we need to buckle down and get sh*t done. But the entirety of the day doesn’t have to be that way. We can always - nay, we must - find time for some play. Otherwise, once we enter adult life, we get serious… then we die.

Remember when we used to mix in a lil mini trampoline cardio as we hit our pull-up warm-up in the gym? Bouncing up as we broke down politics & philosophical musings. Serious topics, no doubt. But made slightly less serious when you’re bopping around. (CNN: feel free to borrow the idea for your next presidential debate…)

My eyes were opened this summer when I went to Norway and witnessed firsthand the Scandinavian obsession with bouncing on springs & rubber. At first I thought it was a prank - on the train from Oslo to Bergen, every backyard seemed to be equipped with a private trampoline park. I was tempted to ask, “OK, where’s Ashton? Am I being Punk’d?” It felt comical to me as they became as familiar of a sight as the waterfalls & the trees. The kids must’ve been in Heaven (and quite possibly their parents too).

And it wasn’t exclusively a backyard affair. The Norwegians had trampolines everywhere! Their public parks had trampolines dug into the ground. (Admittedly, I dabbled in one and it brought about a child-like smile.) There’s such simple joy that accompanies being on a trampoline. Jumping up & down. Feeling weightless. Zero-gravity floating.

Why should the kids have all the fun? Why can’t we accept a new world where trampolines are for everyone?

If we want a gateway for adoption, then we can ask Huberman to tout the cardio benefits as part of an upgraded gym routine. But, honestly, I’ll take any excuse to make trampolines more of a thing.

I picture a world where there’s a trampoline in every public park. Maybe one hiding on every street corner. Imagine getting in a quick bounce on your way to work. It’d probably wash away any residual frown you were carrying from your morning commute. It might even paint a subtle grin on your face. Imagine if every one did this… New York would be a whole different place!

Trust me, it works. I’ve made myself a guinea pig in this experiment. I bought a mini trampoline for my deck and have been hitting it almost every morning since. It’s been a gamechanger. A day-changer. A mood elevator. Before my mood for the day even has a chance to formulate. I just wake up & hit a quick bounce. Then, I continue on my merry way.

I know it sounds silly. But what points do we gain by being so serious all the time? Is there some rule we must follow that states: “Must be miserable to be taken seriously.” I don’t believe that’s necessary. I believe, if anything, that the Universe wants us to be happy. So why not introduce a lil boost into your morning routine? If not for you, then for your friends. Because we all know how positivity acts like a contagion.

And don’t take my word for it. Tonight, as I debated whether to write this piece, I stumbled upon the opera at the outdoor stage on Little Island. As I’m watching, what do they pull from under the stage??? A hidden trampoline! The actors, who were just dancing around on the solid surface previously, suddenly started throwing front flips & back flips. It was utter hilarity. They were having so much fun. And so was the crowd. It seemed to break all the rules. But who cares anyhow?

So why don’t we make this subtle change on the stage of life? Why don’t we invest in more trampolines and make our days more of a delight?

Thanks for reading, my friend. Sorry if it’s a bit all-over-the-place. I conceptualized the idea while bouncing, so the thoughts are still ping-ponging around in my brain.

Good luck tomorrow morning. New week. Happy Monday. Even if you don’t get a chance to hit the trampoline, I hope you find some time to laugh & play.

Live life elevated,

T. Happy

(Disclaimer: in no way affiliated with Bouncy Castles International (BCI) because those are dangerous death traps.)


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